Depression and the Blues

Depression vs the Blues

It is common during the winter for people to wonder if they are depressed or just have the "winter blues," or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD comes during the gray times of year, in the winter usually.  It means that you lack energy then…

It is common during the winter for people to wonder if they are depressed or just have the "winter blues," or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD comes during the gray times of year, in the winter usually.  It means that you lack energy then and feel moody.  Some people have SAD during the spring and summer, but this is uncommon.  Treatment for SAD can include a "light box" as well as psychotherapy and sometimes medication. SAD can include depressed feelings and loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities. It can make concentration harder and you can feel worthless and even suicidal. So it is not something to dismiss.

Depression has the same symptoms but is not based only on light or on the season. Both Depression and SAD are treatable.  Feel free to

call me at 410-381-7551  or another clinical psychologist so that we can help you figure out what the underlying problems are.